Today Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Vancouver wrote to Mayor and Council regarding information presented at public open houses on January 23 and 26, 2013. The letter (below) is mainly in support of Eye on Norquay’s analysis of the information, which includes new housing types and zoning proposed for Vancouver, as well as “benefits packages” for communities that take additional density. What happens in the Norquay neighbourhood along Kingsway will have major implications for most neighbourhoods of Vancouver.
The deadline for submitting comments has been extended by a week to February 11, 2013.
Open House boards and comment form are online at
Background and opinion from Joseph Jones:
February 4, 2013
City of Vancouver Planning Department
453 West 12 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 1V4
By Email:
Re: Norquay Comment Sheet – Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre
Open Houses – 23 and 26 January 2013
We want to acknowledge the tremendous work that he and his wife Jeanette Jones have done in their volunteer efforts for their community on this issue over the last six years.
The proposed rezoning housing types need to be considered in context with both the Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan approved by Council and from the perspective of the Council approved CityPlan Community Vision on which the plan was intended to be based.
It continues to be our concern that the Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centres Plan did not respect the Community Vision in many respects, and was against the opinions of the community as confirmed by surveys that were ignored by the City.
We note that there are no zoning schedules proposed and the display boards are general without much detail. It is difficult to assess the entire proposal as the pictures and examples are not to scale or inclusive.
However, the community has cooperated with the City in trying to work within the given parameters. Joseph Jones has provided reasonable comments which we encourage you to implement.
The issues raised about community amenities are of particular concern. Norquay is already underserved for the existing population and there is little in this plan that would improve that situation. In fact the problem will be compounded with increased development, as proposed under the plan, with no adequate increase of services for the additional population.
Vancouver’s approach to funding amenities through development is clearly failing. More effective and equitable ways to deliver public benefits must be established.
From a city-wide perspective, we emphasize that the housing types proposed and the Norquay Vision implementation process should not be considered precedents for other areas in the city. The people of Norquay—and every Vancouver neighbourhood—deserve better.
The Steering Committee
Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Vancouver
Cc: Mayor Robertson and Councillors,