Rize Alliance 19-storey tower rezoning (Kingsway & Broadway): Important public hearing resumes March 27

The most important public hearing so far this year continues at 7 pm on March 27, on a rezoning proposal for a 19-storey tower at Kingsway and Broadway by Rize Alliance. The rezoning has broad opposition from the local community and is an important case study for Vancouver neighbourhoods. Mount Pleasant Community Plan was adopted in 2010 after years of work, millions of taxpayer dollars spent on consultation, and thousands of hours of volunteer time and City staff time. The outcome of this public hearing will have implications for four other community planning processes about to begin.

NSV friends and supporters are encouraged to get familiar with this case, and speak the public hearing if you feel you have a message for Council. Over 200 have signed up to speak, and the next speaker is #103. If you signed up and your number has passed, you can still be added back to the list and speak at the end. Residents Association Mount Pleasant provides extensive information about the case.

NSV has written to Mayor and Council in the past regarding the Mount Pleasant Community Plan, and twice this year regarding the rezoning application. Links to the most recent letters are here, followed by an excerpt from the most recent one.

Excerpt of 31-Jan-2012 letter follows.

February 28, 2012

Dear Mayor Robertson and Councillors,

Re: Public Hearing Feb. 27, 2012 – Item 6 (extended to Feb. 28, 2012) CD-1 Rezoning: 228-246 East Broadway and 180 Kingsway

Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable (NSV) is opposed to the proposed CD-1 Rezoning: 228-246 East Broadway and 180 Kingsway.

This proposal is not supported by the Mount Pleasant community and is not consistent with the character of the neighbourhood as defined by the Mount Pleasant Community Plan (MPCP). The issues with height, density and affordability that have been repeatedly brought up by the public have not been adequately addressed by staff and the proponent, and the proposal as it stands is completely out of scale for the community.

NSV concurs with the issues raised by Residents Association Mount Pleasant (RAMP) : See www.rampvancouver.com for more information.

Of particular concern are the misrepresentations of the applicant and the Planning Department as raised by RAMP which we do not feel have been adequately addressed.

The comparable analysis of the existing C3A zoning and the CD1 application is also misleading because it treats the conditional increased potential height and density as if it is outright. This affects the CAC calculation as well.

The existing outright zoning of 1.0 FSR and 30 ft. height may only be conditionally increased to 3.0 FSR and 70 ft. height (based on C3A Guidelines) if design considerations have been addressed and “…the preservation of the character and general amenity desired for the area; and… the submission of any advisory group, property owner or tenant.” This has not as yet been done.

The calculation for CACs should be based on any increased density above the outright 1.0 FSR as contemplated in the zoning for “general amenity desired for the area” , rather than only applying to FSR above the conditional 3.0 FSR as currently calculated.

Further, NSV does not think that there is justification for going beyond the conditional zoning increase as contemplated in the C3A Zoning By-law and Guidelines which would meet the Mt. Pleasant Community Plan for increased density on the site. We request that the application be referred back to the applicant for redesign that has demonstrated broad community support.


The Steering Committee

Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Vancouver

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