Please pick up one or more election signs for your home or business from our office, or contact us immediately if you would like a sign delivered. We count on the people of Vancouver to support their neighbourhoods in this election.
Even if you can’t come and pick up a sign, give us a call and we may be able to deliver one or have a pickup point in your neighbourhood.
Note that the metal and plastic is recyclable, and we will have a collection strategy after the election.
2855 West Broadway (just west of MacDonald Street)
Office telephone 604-730-6999 or 604-731-6655
Our office is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Postal Mail
Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Vancouver
P.O. Box 19610
Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4E7
Phone us
Office telephone 604-730-6999 or 604-731-6655
Email us